Senin, 02 Januari 2017

Application Letter and Curicullum Vitae (CV)


·       Candidates must have at least a bachelor's degree or equivalent from DKV, specializes in animation
·       Basic skills in illustration, writing, storyboarding, animation, modeling, Video Editor etc.
·       Willing to work in Kebon Jeruk, West Jakarta
·       Send your cv and sample video for or apply in

Information jobs
Level of Education: S1

Job Level              : Fresh / Entry Level
Job Function        : Animator
Job type               : Contract
Job Location        : Kebon Jeruk, West Jakarta  
Work Experience : 0 Years


Personal Details

Name                                      : Nur Heppy Hutajulu 
Address                                  : Margonda Raya  JI. Pinang 19  Rt: 02  Rw: 03,
    Kecamatan: Beji, Kota: Depok
Phone Number                      : 085270836742
Place & Date of Birth           : Medan, January 02 1996
Marital Status                       : Single
Gender                                  : Female
Religion Nationality              : Kristen Protestant
Country                                  : Indonesian

Educational Background
1.      2001 – 2007 Indonesia International, Elementary School, SDN  Simare-mare Jae
2.      2007 – 2010 Junior High School / SMPN 01 Laguboti
3.      2010 – 2013 Senior High School / SMAN 01 Laguboti
4.      2013 – 2017 System Computer Of Gunadarma University

Job Experiences
Micro- I soft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Power Point, Making Software, Adobe Photoshop, Video Maker, Corel Draw.

Responsible, kind, friendly, diligent, honest, disciplined, decisive.

Depok, 28 December 2016


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